Constantin Vahlas is research director at the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). He heads the Surface Reactivity and Functionalization (SURF) group (25 members) at the Inter-University Materials Engineering Center (CIRIMAT) in Toulouse. Over the past thirty years, his research interests have revolved around gas–solid interactions and chemical vapor deposition. His actual research is focused on MOCVD of architectured, (multi-)functional metallic and oxide films and particles on flat and complex surfaces and on powders for applications in space, pharmaceutics or sensors.


         Constantin Vahlas was director of an Integrated Laboratory on Advanced Coating Technologies in the frame of a European Network of Excellence (2006-2010), of an integrated CNRS unit on functionalization of complex in shape surfaces by gas phase processes (2008-2011), and of the Materials Science interdisciplinary program of CNRS (2009-2012). He served in the Materials Science Expert Committee of the European Science Foundation (2010-2014). He was member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Ceramics International, guest editor of four special issues of the journals Chemical Vapor Deposition, and Physica status solidi. He was advisor of 20 PhD students and 11 post doctoral fellows.


          He was coordinator of more than 40 research contracts and grants, coauthored more than 185 publications in international journals and conference proceedings among which nine review articles, editorials and science position papers, published five book chapters and holds six patents.